What is Programming Language and its Different Types

Programming language:

It is a formal computer language which is designed to communicate instructions or commands or orders to a machine, particularly a computer. Programming languages can be used to create program to control the behaviour of the machine.

Different types of programming languages:

1) Machine Language: A computer or a machine only can understand its machine language which is Defined by its hardware architecture. This directly executed by 8 CPU that is central Processing Unit of the computer. Machine language generally consist of numbers that is 0 and 1.
This 0 AND 1 codes are difficult to understand by the programmer.


2) Assembly Languages: It is low level language for computers and microprocessor and other Programmable devices. It is basically English like abbreviations to perform operations. Now we need to convert assembly language to machine language as CPUs do not understand assembly language. So assembler converts the Assembly language to machine language basically an assembler is a translator program which is used to convert the language. Example of assembly languages are :
assembly-language-instructions GO, JUMP, RUN, ADDR etc. These are the basically assembly language instructions.

3) High Level Languages: As a requirement of the developing a fast and easy language for developer to understand, high level language comes in existence.

Feature of High Level Language:

a) fast programming process.
b) instructions are written in almost like everyday English.

It takes large amount of time to convert high level language to machine language. So interpreter programs were developed to execute high level language without compiling it.

Example : Scripting languages- such as JavaScript and PHP are processed by interpreters.


03- What is Programming Language- C Programming Language


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