Static Hashing

In static hashing we have a bucket overflow problem.
Let suppose we want to store a record or insert a record.

We will calculate the address of a bucket by hashing and address of bucket which get generated does not have enough space, a bucket overflow is occurred.

Reasons for bucket overflow to occur:

Insufficient bucket

nB>nr/Fr where nB= no. of buckets

nr: Number of record

Insufficient bucket

fr: Record in a bucket.

If nB is not greater than nr/Fr then there is insufficient buckets.

Skews: Some buckets are assigned more records than are others, so a bucket may overflow even when other buckets still have space. This situation is called Bucket skew.

• multiple records may have the same search key

• non uniform distribution of Search keys.

Two approaches for reducing the bucket overflow

reducing the bucket overflow

1) Increase number of bucket with Fudge Factors:

If we choose number of buckets to be

(nr/fr)*(1+d) here d is fudge factor=0.2

Fudge factor

About 20 % of the space in the buckets will be empty but the overflow is reduced.

2)Overflow Buckets:

Let suppose we want to insert a record into bucket b as per hashing function. And b is already full then system will provide an overflow buckets for b and inserts the record into it.

If overflow bucket is also full then another overflow bucket will be allotted and they are chained together in a linked list which is called overflow chaining.


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