Analysis Principles

Over the past two decades, a large number of analysis modelling methods have been developed.
By Analyzing Problems And Their Causes, investigator have developed a variety of
• - notations and
•- corresponding sets of heuristic overcome them.
Each analysis method has a unique point of view, however all analysis methods are related by a set of operational principles:

• 1) The information domain of a problem must be represented and understood.
• 2) The functions that the software is to perform must be defined.
• 3) the behavior of the software must be represented.
• 4) The Models that depict information and behavior must be partitioned in a manner that uncovers detail in a layered (or Hierarchical) fashion.
• 5) the analysis process should move from essential information towards implementation detail.

By applying this principles, an analyst approaches a problem systematically.

A Set of guiding principles fro Requirement Engineering:

Understand the problem before you begin to create the analysis model.
Develop Prototype that enable a user to understand how human / machine interaction will occur.
Record the origin of and reason for every requirement.
Use Multiple use of requirements- building data, functional and behavioral models provide the software engineering with different 3 views.
Rank Requirements: Tight deadline may preclude the implementation of every software requirement. If an incremental process model is applied, those requirements to be delivered in the first increment must be identified.
Work to Eliminate Ambiguity: As most requirements are described in natural language, the opportunity for everybody abounds. The use of formal technical review is one way to uncover and eliminate ambiguity.

07- Analysis principles-Introduction- Software Engineering



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