Properties of a database management system
Question Shall Overcome in mind why we use database systemThe answer is there are basically 6 important features of a database-
- completeness,
- Integrity,
- Flexibility,
- Efficiency,
- Usability and
- Redundancyless
This property is basically ensure that user can access the data that they want including Ad-Hoc queries.What is exactly a Ad-Hoc queries: They are those queries which cannot be determined prior to the moment the query is issued.
For example :
- 1) display bar chart, Pie chart for a vendor and his stocks.
- 2) showing plot chart and stackbar chart for an employee.

Database integrity ensure that data entered into the database is- Accurate
- Valid and
- Consistent.
Accurate- Data Accuracy refers that well you must be right value and must be represented in a consistent manner.

Valid- it refers that a test should be correct like AGE of a PERSON 200 -> not valid.
Consistent:- The consistent of data consistency of data rapid that if a person changes his phone number it should be changed everywhere in database where his telephone data is saved.

This feature in ability of upgrading and changing the functionality of a database.
02-Properties Of DataBase Part-1-DBMS Tutorials