Categories of Attributes in Entity Relationship Model
:Types of Attributes In DBMS
1) Simple and Composite Attributes:
Simple attributes are those attributes which cannot be subdivided into some parts where is composite attributes are those attribute which can be divided into smaller parts that is (other attributes).
Example a Customer-Name: This attribute can be divided into into smaller parts like a Customer-Name can have his First-Name, Middle-Name, and his Last-Name.
2) Single Valued and Multivalued Attributes:
Single value attributes are those attribute which can have only a single value. For example
Loan-Number attribute for a specific loan entity refers to only one loan number.
Where is multivalued attributes are those attributes which can have more than one value for an entity.
For example of Customer-Phone- this attribute for that can have more than one value because a customer can have one number, no number, Many numbers.

3) Derived Attribute:
In this one attribute is derived from the other attributes for example let Loan-held is an attribute of entity set customer so Loan-held can be driven to No-of-loans by a customer in order to check how many loans a customer have.