Multilevel viewpoint of a machine
Micro-Architecture / Control unit
Level 1
Micro-Architecture / Control unit
• This is a collection of 8 to 32 registers for memory and ALU to perform arithmetic and logical operations.
• This level contains a micro program which fetches, decode and execute instructions.
• Resistors are connected to the ALU to form a data path, over which data flow.
• The operation of the data path may be controlled by a micro program, directly by hardware((hardware) i.e, is hardwired).
• Computer Architecture is the combination of micro architecture and instruction set design.
Hardwired control:
• Hardwired control unit consists of hardware that directly executes machine instructions.
• The control logic is implemented Decoder, Gates, flip flops and other digital circuits.
• It can be optimised to produce a fast mode of operation.
• Making any change is quite difficult in this.
Microprogrammed control Unit:
• Microprogrammed control unit is build around a storage unit called control memory where all control signals are stored in program like format.
• Control memory stores a set of micro program which are designed to implement instruction set.
• Each Instruction causes a set of microprogram to be fetched.
• And its control information is extracted in a manner that resembles the fetching and execution of program from main memory.
• Design can be changed easily by just updating the contents of the control memory.
• Basically a micro program is a program written in a low level language that is implemented by the hardware.
12- Multilevel Viewpoint Of A Machine- Micro Architecture